Privacy Policy

At The GB Foods, S.A. we attach a great deal of importance to the rules and regulations in force on privacy and personal data protection. To this regard, the protection of the security, integrity and confidentiality of our users’ personal data is very important to us and, therefore, we wish to act responsibly in all matters related to this requirement.

This policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) describes the type of personal data that we receive, how we obtain them, how we share them and the purposes for which we process them, in addition to the means you have as a user to control their use and to exercise your rights.

You are hereby informed that the terms “our” and “GBfoods” refer to The GB Foods, S.A. and/or any of the companies in the Group and that we use them in the most suitable way on a case-by-case basis. “User” and “users” refer to any person who accesses and/or uses this website.

1. Scope of the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all personal data obtained by GBfoods from our customers, suppliers, persons who request information, job candidates and, whenever applicable, the users of our website and third parties with whom we may have a relationship.

This includes information collected online and offline, from direct marketing campaigns, conferences and online events run from our websites, in addition to apps and third-party branded websites.

Should you have any enquiries or questions about the processing and protection of your personal data, you can contact us via email at:

2. Who is the Data Controller?

The Controller of your personal data is The GB Foods, S.A. Our contact details are given below.
Company name: The GB Foods, S.A.
NIF: A08503005
Postal address: Plaza Europa n. 42, 08902, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Contact email:

3. What information do we collect and how do we collect it?

In this Privacy Policy, your “personal details” refers to information or fragments of information that enable you to be identified.

As a general rule, no personal details need to be provided to visit our website. However, we collect personal details whenever:

–       You provide them to us in contact forms that are posted on our website or if you wish to take part in competitions or other activities, at which time we shall ask you for the personal details required to be able to handle each specific activity. In such cases, identification details shall generally be requested such as your name, address, username, profile photo, email address, contact telephone number and, in the case of a legal entity, its corporate name and type of business.

–       You provide them to us in the complaint forms that are posted on our website addressed to receive questions, complaints and comments in relation to our products, at which time we shall ask you for the personal details required to be able to handle each specific question, complaint and/or comments. These personal details include identification details such as your name, last name, address, email address, contact telephone number as well as, if applicable, a description and/or pictures of the issue giving rise to the question, complaint, and/or comment, which could include special categories of personal data including health data.

All personal information provided on the website’s forms must be true, authentic and up to date, whereby the user is solely liable for any false or inaccurate information provided and for any damages GBfoods may incur as a result. The fields marked with an asterisk are required fields, so if not filled in GBfoods may deny a request that has been made.

4. Why do we process your data?

You are hereby informed that we shall process your personal data for the following purposes:

i)         To find out your browsing preferences on our website so that we are able to customise it and enhance our products and your experience. In order to attain this goal, we draw up a profile of your browsing habits on our website. The profile generated shall not be subject to automated decisions. For further information, please see our Cookies Policy.

ii)         To handle and process the reply to your information request submitted from the contact form on our website.

iii)         To deal with your job application sent using the form on our website’s Job Notice Board and to handle the company’s current and future selection processes, as well as those of the rest of the companies in the GBfoods Group.

iv)         To address and manage your questions, complaints and/or comments in relation to our products submitted through the complaint forms on our website.

v)         To keep you informed by sending you emails that contain information, sales pitches and advertisements related to the products and services that GBfoods sells in the market, provided you have given us your consent to do so.

vi)         To deal with emails sent to our corporate email addresses in order to manage our business relationships with entities, organisations and companies, as well as with the people who work for them or are in partnership with them, and with their legal representatives.

GBfoods shall not use your data for any purposes other than those specifically provided for herein, unless it has obtained your consent to do so beforehand.

5. How long do we keep your personal data?

GBfoods hereby informs you that it shall keep your personal data on record for the time stated in the following table, based on the purposes for which they are processed in each case. It should also be borne in mind that they are kept in order to reply to your enquiries, handle your questions, complaints and/or comments on our products and resolve problems, deliver new, enhanced services and to comply with the legal requirements of the laws in force. In any event, the legal prescriptive periods in force are abided by at all times.



(i) To find out your browsing preferences on our website so that we are able to customise it and enhance our products and your experience.That stated in our Cookies Policy, up to a maximum of 2 years.(ii) To handle and process the reply to your information request submitted from the contact form on our website.Until such a time that we have resolved your enquiry, as well as the time required to fulfil all related legal obligations.(iii) To deal with your job application sent submitted using the form on the Job Notice Board.During the selection process that you have signed up for and/or, should you have given your consent, to be added to our Job Notice Board for a reasonable period since the last time you were in touch with us.(iv) To address and manage your questions, complaints and/or queries in relation to our products submitted through the complaint form on our website.Personal data will be stored for a maximum period of five (5) years from the date on which the complaint was handled and solved, unless longer retention is necessary for legal proceedings (e.g. to defend our legal rights and protect our assets).

If you are resident in Germany, the personal data will be stored for a maximum of three (3) years starting at the end of the year in which the complaint is resolved.

If you are resident in Italy, the personal data regarding will be stored for a maximum of 26 months from the sale of the products.

(v) To keep you informed by sending you emails that contain information, sales pitches and advertisements related to GBfoods’ products and services.Until you withdraw your consent.(vi) To deal with emails sent to our corporate email addresses in order to manage our business relationships with entities, organisations and companies.For a reasonable period since the last time you were in touch with us.

Subsequently, GBfoods shall delete your personal data in order to prevent them from being processed, unless we are required to make them available to Public Administrations, Courts, and Arbitration and Mediation Bodies in order to fulfil any legal obligations that may arise.

6. What is the legal basis for us processing your data?

We process your personal data on the basis of the following legal basis:

The processing of special categories of personal data including health data is (a) based, where applicable, on your explicit consent when you voluntarily provide with said personal data to GBfoods (article 9.2 (a) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation), (b) necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims (article 9.2 (f) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation), and (c) required for reasons of public interest for the purpose of ensuring the quality and security of the products of GBfoods, on the basis of the applicable food safety legislation (article 9.2 (g) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation).

GBfoods shall only collect, use or disclose your personal data when lawful. Furthermore, we shall ask for your explicit consent whenever we need to use your personal data for purposes not set out in this Privacy Policy. Should you give us your consent, its terms and conditions shall prevail in the event of any discrepancies with this Privacy Policy.

We shall likewise process your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligations to which we are subject.

7. To whom do we disclose your data?

Personal data shall not be assigned, sold, leased or made available under any circumstances to third parties, unless (i) GBfoods has obtained the due consent of users beforehand; (ii) they must be disclosed to official public bodies due to a legal obligation; or (iii) this may be required for data processor companies to process your personal data. Furthermore, we may disclose your personal details to other companies in the GBfoods Group located in the European Economic Area, on the basis of our business group’s legitimate interests for internal administrative purposes.

The personal data collected for the purposes of addressing your questions, complaints and/or comments on our products could be accessed by IT hosting service providers and by third-party providers supporting GBfoods in the management of your questions, complaints and/or comments as well as with insurance companies for the fulfilment of legal obligations.

We take every reasonable precaution to safeguard your personal data and we require third parties that handle or process them to do the same.

8. What rights protect you in relation to the processing of your data?

You are entitled to obtain information about the processing of your personal data by GBfoods. Specifically:

If you are resident in France, you are entitled to give instructions on the retention, deletion and disclosure of personal data after your death. These directives may be general or specific.

You may exercise the aforementioned rights by sending an email to with the subject line “Data Protection”, in which you must state the right you wish to exercise, your name and contact details, and information relating to your previous communication with us (if applicable). To that end, GBfoods may request further information or documents if this is necessary and appropriate to identify you.

We shall respond to your requests in the briefest possible delay and, in any event, within one (1) month from the time your request was received. In certain circumstances, this period may be extended by a further two (2) months, in which case we shall inform you in a timely fashion within one (1) month from the time your request was received.

Should you believe that the processing of your personal data breaches the data protection regulation or that we have not enabled you to exercise your rights, you may file a claim with the relevant supervisory authority in your country of residence, country where you work, or where the alleged breach occurred.

9. Are you entitled to withdraw your consent?

Yes. You are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent given prior to its withdrawal.

10. Can this Privacy Policy be modified?

Our Privacy Policy may be subject to modifications from time to time, in which case the updated version shall be posted on our website. We therefore urge you to regularly review it.

To this regard, we shall inform you of any particularly relevant modifications and ask for your consent for any processing of your personal data subject to legal changes.

11. Does GBfoods have any other information about privacy?

In addition to this Privacy Policy, specific campaigns or promotions may be run that are governed by separate terms and conditions on privacy established in the rules of a competition or the promotion in question.

Should you take part in them, we recommend that you read the terms and conditions beforehand as you shall have to abide by them. If applicable, we shall make any additional terms and conditions available to you.